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About Jessica

Jessica is a former mental health therapist turned mommy who, when not juggling the day-to-day adventure of raising two girls, has focused her remaining energy towards building a business to organize and create “thoughtful” spaces for her clients. As someone who has always had a knack for understanding people and how to relieve stress in their lives, she applies those talents towards de-cluttering and focusing their homes and offices. Creating places that allow them to live their best lives and careers. Her company has undergone tremendous growth over the past year and Jessica is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to professionally apply her passion.

About Thoughtfully Organized

The concept of “Thoughtfulness” -- consideration for the needs of other people -- is the driving force behind Thoughtfully Organized. Whether it be a child’s playroom, kitchen pantry, closet, or office, the daily use of the space and how to maintain it is diagnosed and understood before anything is done. Beyond just organization, we work to declutter, design, and create spaces that clear your mind for you to be your best self.  We also recommend the right products to keep everything in order while always keeping the big picture and details in mind. 

Happy Organizing!

Follow her on Instagram @thoughtfullyorganized for the latest news.